Saturday 28 March 2015

Brandy Snaps

Brandy Snaps are crunchy, golden, creamy tubes of goodness!  Isn't it funny how you eat something over the years that you love, but when you think about making it, it always looks like it would be very difficult. 
This is what I thought about making Brandy Snaps.  I used to buy as many as I could afford from the Sunday craft market when I was a kid, then I would hide and eat them all.  Shhh don't tell my Mum.
Well this happens to be one of the easiest things to make, it just takes time.  Put on some good music to dance to and get yourself into the kitchen.
100gm butter
1/2 cup of treacle or golden syrup
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup plain flour
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon brandy
Pre heat oven to 175C and line a baking sheet (or two) with baking paper.
Melt butter in a pan over medium heat.

Add treacle and sugars, stir to combine.

Allow mixture to cook until it starts to bubble.  Allow to bubble for a minute and remove from the heat.

Stir in the flour and salt until combined.

Stir through the ground ginger.

Stir through the brandy.

Place a tablespoon of mixture on your baking sheets, depending on how big your sheet is, mine fit 3, remember they spread out to 4 times the size.

How pretty do these look!
Now the next bit depends on your oven so watch your first batch to gauge the time you need to cook them.  Cook anywhere from 7 to 10 minutes, don't allow them to burn.  Remove from the oven (swap in the next batch) allow to cool for 3 to 5 minutes on the baking tray, just enough to allow you to handle them.

Now to make them into the lovely tube shape you need a round, metal handled utensil and a pallet knife.  The pallet knife allows you to lift the still warm brandy snap and wrap it around the handle.

Allow to set slightly about a minute then remove from the handle and move onto the next.

Alternately you can place them over a muffin tin turned over to make a basket for a scoop of ice cream.

See golden tubes of crunchy goodness!

Fill your piping bag or a plastic sandwich bag with whipped cream and fill the tubes.  Don't let them sit for too long as they will go soggy with the cream.

Oops no photo down the end here... that's because there are none left.  The crash test dummies went to town!

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